
Right, what's this then?

A plugin for the Apache Maven build system that provides an easy way to build advanced web applications based on the Janno modular webapp platform while retaining the flexibility and support offered by standard war deployment.

What's the point of that?

Jamecs provides a powerful, flexible, and highly sophisticated solution to the problem of building modern web-applications with dynamic functionality (such as is commonly supplied by modules or plugins), and it's standalone packaging as a self-contained web-server with browser-based administration and configuration makes it an ideal platform for non-developers wishing to leverage the power of the JEE platform and existing Java code.

Unfortunately, those same features create a world of pain for those experienced with Java and wishing to build standard web applications while taking advantage of the advanced dynamic deployment, scripting, and action support offered by Jamecs. Since Janno is really the core of Jamecs, with everything else provided by the standard modules, the obvious solution is to unpack the Janno war and set it up exactly as you need to - that is what this plugin does.

What versions of Janno / Maven does the plugin support?

The Janno plugin is a Maven 1.x plugin. If Maven 2 ever becomes worth plugging into, we'll let you know...

The plugin is designed to work with the version of Janno you are working with - most of Maven's problems arise due to lazily-written plugins with (usually old) Jars hardcoded into them. Instead, the Janno plugin uses the version you specify as a regular Maven dependency.

Why not just unpack the war myself?

Of course you have that option, and there's nothing wrong with doing that. There are a few extra benefits you get with the plugin, however:

  • Automatic retrieval and unpacking - You don't need to download the Janno war manually - just supply it as a dependency and use this plugin.
  • No source duplication - Because Janno is unpacked as part of your war build, you won't be placing the Janno webapp source in your CVS, time and time again.
  • Clear upgrade path - As new Janno versions become available, it might get pretty hard to track which files you've modified and which you haven't, making migrating to new Janno versions a nightmare. Using the plugin allows you to manage the bundled Janno version as a regular Maven dependency.

Using Janno Maven

Using Janno Maven
How do I get started?

The plugin is completely compatible with the War plugin, so start just as you would any other Webapp, except bear in mind that nothing is required anymore since the Janno war will be unpacked behind your application. You just provide the stuff you need to override from the default Janno layout in the appropriate places, and it will replace the default when building the war.

You'll need to list the 'janno-base' war as a dependency to your project. The following will use version 0.10:


You will of course need to make sure your Maven repository has the War installed, or alternatively add the RPOT repository to your sources list. Try something like:


in your file.

With this set up, and your custom stuff in the standard place (src/webapp by default) you'll be able to simply type:

maven janno

And get your Janno-based War built in the target directory.

See the Goals page for more details.

If you find you often need to get the standard Janno web.xml and/or the scoped context configurations, you might also find the janno:webxml goal useful - it automatically extracts from your chosen Janno version (from the Maven dependencies of the project).

How do I configure the plugin?

The Janno plugin is really just a pretty thin layer over the top of the standard war plugin, so any configuration you could do before, you can do now. See the War plugin's reference at

The plugin itself provides little configuration, limited to affecting the filename patterns included/excluded from the Janno unpack, and deciding whether to keep Janno's META-INF (you don't want it). This is handled by properties (set in as detailed on the properties page.

I need to link against the Janno classes (or another implicitly bundled jar) at build-time - what do I do?

It's pretty common to need to use the Janno utility classes in Java code within your application, and with the War dependency you obviously can't do that. The solution is to add the standard janno.jar to your dependencies as well as the janno-base.war, but don't define the war.bundle property. That way, Maven will map it into the build classpath without affecting the Jar bundled with Janno Base.

The same situation applies to other Jars that are bundled with Janno - If you need to use Moxy (another common one) or Sitemesh (to provide custom decorators for example) then simply add a dependency to your project without war.bundle.

There is one caveat - you must make sure that your dependency versions match up with the Janno versions or you are likely to see all kinds of interesting errors from the JVM. If you need to upgrade a Janno dependency the easiest thing to do is write a simple post-goal for war:webapp to massage your libraries.

Other stuff

Other stuff
Where can I CVS-Checkout the source for the Janno plugin?

You can grab any version (or just the latest) of the plugin source from the Roscopeco CVS repository. See CVS Usage for more information.

Additionally, we have a web-based interface for CVS browsing, which allows you to quickly get to any version, get diffs, download versions, and even look at statistics if that's what floats your boat. See

Where can I get more information?

As well as the Janno homepage at, you can find (and even help with!) the most up-to-the-minute documentation for all of Jamecs on our Wiki at