Jamecs Modular Web Platform, Jetty bundled release Version 0.10 RELEASE NOTES and README INFORMATION ==================================== Copyright (c)2005 Roscopeco Open Technologies & Contributors. Licenced as FREE SOFTWARE under the terms of the Apache Software Licence, 2.0 See LICENCE.txt file or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENCE-2.0 for more information and full terms and conditions of use. + Introduction + Installation + Running Jamecs + Configuration + Troubleshooting + Now what? + Contact information INTRODUCTION ============ Welcome to Jamecs, and the world of Moxy-based modular web development! Jamecs is an advanced Web Application Server for the Java platform, based on the Janno modular web core, Moxy module framework, and the award-winning Jetty Servlet container (http://jetty.mortbay.org). Janno is an advanced Web Application Platform that provides the foundation for high-quality, cutting edge web-based software systems based on the Java(tm) Servlets specification. Janno is the second iteration of the Jamecs core, and represents a ground up redesign / rewrite with a more explicit IoC design, looser coupling to the eventual goals of Jamecs, and a more sophisticated architecture based on the elegant functional simplicity allowed by constructor-based dependency injection. Jamecs builds on this foundation, integrating Janno in a standard configuration, bundling all dependencies, and placing everything within the confines of a leading, mature web server platform, with the aim of providing an easily-installed, ready to use version of Jamecs. The difference between the two is simple - Janno is a solution for developers wishing to build modular web applications, while Jamecs is a full integrated modular web server for the Java platform. INSTALLATION ============ + Unpack the tarball / zip to a directory of your choosing. + Set the environment variable 'JAMECS_HOME' to point there. (Alternatively let it guess). + Next! RUNNING ON *NIX =============== The first time you run Jamecs, you are advised to use the 'run' option to jamecs.sh: ./jamecs.sh run This will cause all logging output to be sent to your terminal, allowing you to see what's happening. You should see quite a bit of output as various things start up, at the end of which you should see a message similar to 'server started'. NOTE: There is currently a known issue with Moxy Persistence and Hibernate reflection optimization, so do not be alarmed if you see multiple (long) exception traces during startup. This problem impacts Hibernate performance more than functionality, and is high on the fix list. RUNNING ON WINDOWS ================== Win32 launch support is provided by the java wrapper provided by Tanuki Software (see below, and http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org). This allows both standard 'exe' based launching and operation as a Win32 service. Before you run the wrapper for the first time, you will need to edit the wrapper.conf file and set the location of your 'java'[.exe?] binary: wrapper.java.command=c:/j2sdk1.4.1/bin/java.exe The standard Jamecs bundle configuration closely mirrors the standard Jetty configuration in this area, meaning that no other changes should be needed. To run Jetty on the console, use Wrapper.exe -c wrapper.conf To install Jetty as a win32 service: Wrapper.exe -i wrapper.conf To remove the Jetty service Wrapper.exe -r wrapper.conf Please note that this is provided as a convienience for Windows users - we are unfortunately entirely unable to provide support or assistance with it directly, as we do not run any Windows machines ourselves. We would be interested to hear any reports about the setup, and will of course fix (or accept fixes for) any bugs in the configuration, but technical support for the wrapper itself, or it's Jetty integration, will need to be referred to the appropriate people (Tanuki or Mortbay respectively). It is possible to compile support for running Jetty as a Win32 Service, using the service support provided with Jetty. This requires a C compiler, and copy of make. You should unzip the 'nt-service.zip' file and read the instructions. NOTE: There is currently a known issue with Hibernate exceptions at startup. See the RUNNING ON *NIX section for more details. CONFIGURATION ============= Configuration of the server (i.e. changing the port, virtual hosting, etc) is done through the various files in the 'etc' directory. See the Jetty configuration reference for details - http://jetty.mortbay.org/ . Janno (the Jamecs core) can be configured in a variety of ways. See the documentation on it's website for full details - http://jamecs.sourceforge.net/docs/janno . The Janno root can be found at $JAMECS_HOME/root - the main configuration files are in $JAMECS_HOME/root/WEB-INF/ and $JAMECS_HOME/root/WEB-INF/config TROUBLESHOOTING =============== This section is under construction. NOW WHAT? ========= Wiki (http://wiki.roscopeco.co.uk), Mailing lists @ SourceForge, Email. CONTACT INFORMATION =================== The Jamecs Homepage : http://jamecs.sourceforge.net/ The Project Homepage : http://sourceforge.net/projects/jamecs The Jamecs Wiki : http://wiki.roscopeco.co.uk/display/JAMECS/Home Jamecs Documentation : http://jamecs.sourceforge.net/docs/ Roscopeco Open Tech : http://roscopeco.co.uk/ Moxy : http://roscopeco.co.uk/moxy/ Jetty : http://jetty.mortbay.org/ Picocontainer : http://picocontainer.codehaus.org/ Nanocontainer : http://nanocontainer.codehaus.org/ Groovy : http://groovy.codehaus.org/ Velocity : http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/ Jamecs was created, and the project is led, by Ross Bamford, a freelance developer, consultant, and long-time master hacker from Derbyshire in the United Kingdom. Roscopeco Open Technologies are commited to the principals of Professional Open Source, and believe in OSS not just as a way to gain kudos and keep hackers happy, but as a real, viable, attractive alternative to commercially licenced software. We believe that by maintaining a firm commitment to "the full system, free, for everyone" and the open community development we can continue to produce the highest quality software with the widest possible audience. Jamecs is, and will remain, Open Source, and we are keen to hear from anyone interested in helping, whether it's with code, content, documentation, or whatever! Please remember that this is free software, provided in the hope that it will be useful, but with no warranties. If you are having problems with Jamecs, please make sure you have read the documentation and looked at all other avenues before mailing asking for support. We will always try to help, but are busy and may take a while to respond. Mailing lists: jamecs-support@lists.sourceforge.net [Help and support list] jamecs-developers@lists.sourceforge.net [Developer discussion] jamecs-users@lists.sourceforge.net [General user discussion] Email: jamecs-devel@roscopeco.co.uk bitbucket@roscopeco.co.uk [complaints department]